We often get caught up on every day duties and forget to do things that makes us feel good or that are good for us. No matter how busy life is, we should always spare a moment to do things for ourselves, not sometimes, or once a week or on the weekends, but EVERY SINGLE DAY.
It's a matter of priority, make yourself your priority in your life. It's not being selfish at all! Think this way, if you make yourself a priority, and do more of the things that make you happy, then you should feel happier! By feeling happier you'll be spreading your light to everyone around you, your children, your family, your friends and colleagues, and for sure by having your "cup full" you will have a lot more energy to get your tasks done..
So I invite you to take this challenge together! Let's start by making a list, of at least 30 items (or more) of the things that make you FEEL GOOD and also things that are GOOD FOR YOU. I will write some examples bellow. If you can't think of everything now you can add things to your list later along the 30 days challenge.
meeting up with friends
getting a massage
sleeping in
reading on the beach
going surfing
indulging yourself with your favourite food
going to a music concert
watching the sunset
taking a yoga class
going to bed early
turning your phone off by 7pm
eating a healthy meal
drink one less cup of coffee
These are just some ideas for you start off, sometimes it helps you to ask yourself: what do I feel deprived off? and what do I need less of?
Then for a whole month, EVERY DAY, chose to do nAT LEAST ONE THING from your list. I call this my self-love challenge, and the purpose of this is to do things for YOURSELF every single day!
Set yourself a reminder on your phone, or ask a friend to tag along so you can support each other on this challenge. These 30 days will set a habit and hopefully get you to include this self-love routine into your life.. even after this challenge is over :)